Juan Gonzalez Online

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-   -   Freedie is it Yearly Fee Time Again (http://www.juangone.com/showthread.php?t=1571)

nosterbor 07-16-2023 02:51 AM

Freedie is it Yearly Fee Time Again
Please let us know.:D

freddie 08-01-2023 02:09 AM

Yes, I just paid $130 for the next year.

I make no promises that this site will keep going on forever. I keep it going as it is but if something major arises that breaks it, I doubt I will have the bandwidth to fix it.

freddie 08-01-2023 02:12 AM

I also added 2023 and 2024.

My paypal is fbingha@gmail.com

freddie 08-01-2023 02:17 AM

Also, if someone wanted to take ownership of the site to ensure that it continued to live on for as long as you wanted it to you would need to;

a) Make me an offer
b) Find someone to maintain it

jzk_ksy 08-01-2023 09:54 PM

Freddie, Great to hear from you!!! Hope all is well with you and yours. I’d love to see the site go on forever. I don’t have the patience or brainpower to maintain it though. I’ll be sending you a payment and as always let us know if you need more.

Everyone who uses this site surely has the means of contributing cash funds for it.

Thanks for a great site Freddie!!!

jzk_ksy 08-01-2023 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by freddie (Post 9091)
I also added 2023 and 2024.

My paypal is fbingha@gmail.com

No ?M? in the PayPal Freddie?

freddie 08-01-2023 10:11 PM


nosterbor 08-02-2023 12:20 AM

I sent you a payment. Can you pay the site years in advance? I would not know how to maintain anything like this not even close. It is very nice hearing from you. glad you are doing well.

nosterbor 08-02-2023 12:27 AM

ok Kevin add the cards and I will add some scans. Thanks.

gonza19 08-06-2023 03:01 PM

Hello, I just sent you a little something to help out.

Glad the site will be up at least 1 more year!!!!

Thank you!!!


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