More Juan?s for sale
Hey guys,been a long time since I?ve dropped in,and I hope & trust all is well with everyone. Also,I know Rob is currently selling off his Gonzalez stuff and I don?t want to step on his toes at all,but I?ve also got some additional Juan stuff I?ve come across that I?m looking to move. As many of you know from our past deals,I?m easy to strike a deal with. I just want to get this stuff moved. The stuff I?ve got available is as follows:
First is a refractor lot. I?d be willing to move it all as a lot for $60 shipped
-1994 Finest refractor
-1994 Bowman?s Best refractor
-1996 Topps Chrome refractor(please bear in mind that centering was the biggest issue with this product and my copy is no exception. North-south centering is the issue with mine)
-1997 Bowman?s Best refractor
-1997 Bowman?s Best atomic refractor
-1997 Bowman Chrome refractor
-1996 Upper Deck Diamond Destiny ?gold?. Very tough to find on the secondary market and yes I am aware that there are multiple recent finished eBay listings of various players that went in the $25 range. However,they were almost all from the same seller who was obviously unaware of what he/she had. There were a few of those that would?ve finished for 3-4 times his/her asking price had they just let it run on auction. I?m asking $60 shipped
-1997 Score Rangers ?Platinum Team?(mine is the variation with the waves going to the right). For some of you newer guys who may be unaware,both versions of this card are extremely rare and just don?t surface very often. If you click on the card here on the site,you will see that only 5 of us have a copy. I am asking $100 shipped for my copy.
As always,I am more than willing to give price breaks for multiple purchases,and I pride myself on shipping fast and will in most cases ship USPS Priority on multiple(or entire) lot purchases in which the purchase price exceeds $100. Thanks dudes and have a great week!